The fight against cancer is one of top-prority issues which the European Commission has set as a target in the area of healthcare. In her political guidelined, the European Commission President, Ursula von der Leyen, projected “Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan in order to assist the member states to improve prevention and treatment of cancers so as to alleviate cancer-related suffering and let Europe become the leader in the battle against cancer.
The European Plan to beat cancer supports the member states in their endeavours to prevent cancer and provide high quality of life for cancer patients, cancer survivors, their families and care givers. The Plan is focused on the major areas wher EU can contribute most, and these include:
- prevention
- early detection
- diagnosis and treatment
the quality of life of patients and cancer survivors. Beating Cancer Plan is connected with other EC priorities such as Pharmaceutical Strategy for Europe and EU Farm to Fork Strategy as well as the initiative of the Common European Data Spaces (to be completed by 2025). The fight against cancer is one of the European research and innovation missions and belongs to Horizon Europe Programme which will be implemented by 2021. EU4Health policy (2021-2027) will ensure the member states financial and technical support to strengthen their healthcare systems. The cancer belongs to serious threats to human health which are specified in Art. 168 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union. Pursuant to the Article, EU can lend support, complement as well as coordinate the member states actions and initiatives for protection and improvement of human health.