
  • Opublikowano: 04/03/2024


MEDICAL RESEARCH AGENCY announced the results of the open call for epidemiological research on multimorbidity (ABM/2023/3). 

The project Biomedical and socioeconomic determinants and socio-economic and health consequences of multimorbidity in Poland. Epidemiological diagnosis, analysis of long-term trends, proposal of intervention programs was ranked first with the highest score out of 58 submitted and accepted projects. 

The call was designed by the researchers from The Department of Social and Preventive Medicine Medical University of Lodz, headed by  Prof. Wojciech Drygas MD PhD, Prof. Magdalena Kwaśniewska MD PhD and Małgorzata Pikala PhD, Prof of MUL. The administrative and technical support was provided by Aleksandra Gilewicz MA and Iwona Stefanek MA from the International Project Team of Research Strategies and Development Office MUL. 

The consortium members of the Medical University of Lodz will include Karol Marcinkowski Medical University of Poznan and  President Stanisław Wojciechowski University of Kalisz.  

The project was grunted the funds of PLN 20,329,656. 



Medical University of Lodz
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